CROSS ROADS #2 BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC A.K.A. Westminster, SC Version 1.0, 16-feb-2008, C045A.TXT, C45 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 LOCATION: --------- Find intersection of Highways 123 & 76, on NW side of Westminster. Drive 2.7 miles north on Highway 76 to Cobb Bridge Road (next to Calvary Church of God). Turn right and drive 1.7 miles. New church is on the right side of the road. The old church location is 0.4 miles north of the new church, at the intersection of Cobb Bridge & Ramsey Creek Roads. HISTORY: -------- DATAFILE INPUT . : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Jun-2001 HISTORY WRITE-UP : ____________ at ____________ in _______ LIBRARY REFERENCE: ____________ at ____________ in _______ TRANSCRIPTION .. : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Jun-2001 (new) Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Nov-2001 (old) TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: -------------------- a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife CEMETERY LOCATION NOTE: ----------------------- Can't determine which C45 (new) or C254 (old) cemetery location the following burials belong to. DERRICK, Charles Ansel, b. 24-jan-1908, d. 22-sep-1995, w. dessie m. derrick, (c46 sb c45)(old?) HOLBROOKS, Elenor Ruth, b. 19-jan-1938, d. 11-nov-1938, (c45 sb c45) LATHAN, Henry, 28-jul-1973, (c46 sb c45) LATHAN, Robert Lee, b. 1894, d. 1980, (c46 sb c45) SULLIVAN, Hilda Annette, b. 21-feb-1944, d. 8-jan-1946, (c45 sb c45)(old?) C254 OLD CHURCH LOCATION: ------------------------- (2) Unknown/unmarked graves BLACK, Callie Elizabeth, b. 3-jan-1909, d. 20-jun-1949 BLACK, Roy C., b. 3-dec-1902, w. callie black BRIGHT, Thomas M., b. 1885, d. 3-jan-1947 CHAPPELL, Marlor F., b. 25-jun-1888, d. 25-oct-1956, w. samantha chappell CHAPPELL, Samantha W., b. 10-apr-1895, d. 2-jun-1971 COLLINS, Evie S., b. 3-mar-1904, d. 30-apr-1950 COLLINS, Infant Son, b. 21-nov-1934, d. 21-nov-1934, p. bert & minnie collins COLLINS, Infant Son, b. 6-jan-1937, d. 6-jan-1937, f. w.j. collins COLLINS, J.B., b. 3-mar-1922, d. 2-sep-1992 COLLINS, James E., b. 5-feb-1930, d. 30-mar-1930, p. bert & minnie collins COLLINS, Lewis, b. 3-jan-1903, d. 6-apr-1980, w. evie collins COLLINS, Robbie A., b. 27-jun-1932 COLLINS, Ruby Nell O., b. 24-feb-1927, d. 2-mar-1956 DERRICK, Charles A., b. 24-jan-1908, d. 22-sep-1995, w. dessie m. derrick DERRICK, Dessie M., b. 22-jul-1910, d. 21-may-1977 DERRICK, Grady A., b. 3-dec-1941, d. 31-dec-1941, p. charles & dessie derrick DERRICK, Lola Mae, b. 5-mar-1930, d. 2-apr-1930, p. charles & dessie derrick HARRIS, Flossie M., b. 4-aug-1920 HARRIS, Lee E., b. 28-dec-1917, d. 21-dec-1994, w. flossie harris HUGHES, Bessie, b. 1927, d. 1928 HUGHES, Jessie, b. 1927, d. 1928 LONG, Carol A., b. 1960, d. 1960 LONG, Judy Carrol, b. 18-mar-1950, d. 18-mar-1950, p. james & bethel long LONG, Mildred E., b. 20-jun-1927, d. 15-feb-1931 LONG, William Lester, b. 3-aug-1899, d. 7-mar-1960 MARCENGILL, Janet Sue, b. 4-aug-1951, d. 4-aug-1951, p. harold & lucille marcengill MOORE, Agnus Louise, b. 1937, d. 1937, p. dewey & nettie moore MOORE, Algie M., b. 1895, d. 1977 MOORE, Arie J., b. 21-may-1888 MOORE, Carroll J., b. 1904, d. 1945 MOORE, Charles Ralph, b. 1935, d. 1935, p. dewey & nettie moore MOORE, Charles W., b. 1928, d. 1928 MOORE, Dewey, b. 11-apr-1908, d. 23-feb-1975, w. nettie moore MOORE, J.A., b. 26-jun-1885, d. 12-jul-1958 MOORE, Joseph Elie, b. 17-jun-1888, d. 6-jan-1962, w. louella moore MOORE, Lloyd, b. 1933, d. 1934, p. dewey & nettie moore MOORE, Louella, b. 5-apr-1891, d. 14-feb-1974 MOORE, Mildred Inez, b. 1940, d. 1940, p. dewey & nettie moore MOORE, Moses T. (Rev), b. 1890, d. 1964, w. algie m. moore MOORE, Nettie D., b. 25-jan-1910 MOORE, R.J., b. 1914, d. 1943 OWENS, Alpha M., b. 24-mar-1915, d. 22-jan-1990, h. fred owens OWENS, Fred, b. 7-sep-1908, d. 8-mar-1983, w. alpha m. owens, m. 16-jul-1931 POWELL, Mattie Moore, b. 12-may-1920, d. 18-sep-1997 RAMEY, Henry Carl, b. 1915, d. 1998 RAMEY, Julie Suttles, b. 17-feb-1914, d. 13-oct-1977 ROACH, Dorothy L., b. 14-oct-1938, d. 21-sep-1940, p. michael& ressie roach RUMSEY, Lennie Taylor, b. 21-sep-1872, d. 5-feb-1959 SMITH, Joyce, b. 26-aug-1945, d. 4-may-1985 SMITH, Mack C., b. 26-feb-1943, w. joyce smith SMITH, Mary Lynn, b. 1966, d. 1966, p. mack & joyce smith SULLIVAN, Hilda Annette, b. 21-feb-1944, d. 8-jan-1946, p. l.r. & bonnie sullivan SULLIVAN, Pauline, b. 13-may-1927, d. 24-jan-1928, p. l.r. & bonnie sullivan SULLIVAN, W.R., b. 25-apr-1934, d. 10-jun-1940, s. of l.r. & bonnie sullivan SUTTLES (Sutt), Julian, b. 9-jan-1927, d. 17-nov-1973 SUTTLES, Alvin F., b. 7-mar-1950, d. 9-nov-1974, w. phyllis s. suttles SUTTLES, Clem Rufus, b. 1900, d. 1963 SUTTLES, David Lloyd, b. 27-feb-1945, d. 12-may-1945, p. h. llod & mattie suttles SUTTLES, Davie Cobb, b. 1872, d. 1957 SUTTLES, Edna Jane, b. 1948, p. julian & ann suttles SUTTLES, Flossie H., b. 6-may-1909, d. 6-apr-1973 SUTTLES, James R., b. 1865, d. 1942 SUTTLES, Judy Ann, b. 1945, p. julian & ann suttles SUTTLES, Julian Edward (Butch), b. 1954, p. julian & ann suttles SUTTLES, Lizzie, b. 1905, d. 1945 SUTTLES, Phyllis S., b. 7-jan-1949 SUTTLES, Ralph Sloan, b. 1932, d. 1933 SUTTLES, Sloan D., b. 14-jan-1889, d. 18-mar-1959 SUTTLES, Stephanie D., b. 15-jul-1972, d. 27-sep-1974, p. alvin & phyllis suttles SUTTLES, William M., b. 1-mar-1890, d. 8-oct-1958, w. flossie h. suttles SUTTLES, William Michael, b. 1956, p. julian & ann suttles C45 NEW CHURCH LOCATION: ------------------------ (100) Slab-type field stones are in the old part of this cemetery. It appears that one stone marks the front of a grave and another marks the rear. Because of the spacing between these stones, many could be for children. BLAIR, William Ralph, b. 20-dec-1928, d. 14-may-1925 BLAIR, William Ralph, b. 20-dec-1923, d. 4-may-1925 BOGGS, Infant Son, b. 9-jan-1909, d. 11-jan-1909, p. j.c. & m.t. boggs BOGGS, Julius C. (Rev), b. 16-sep-1881, d. 1-jun-1951 BOGGS, Margaret D., b. 3-jan-1877, d. 17-jun-1962 BOGGS, Mary A., b. 14-oct-1906, d. 7-mar-1909 CHAPPELL, Ruth A., b. 22-oct-1931 CHAPPELL, Samuel J., b. 14-jan-1920, d. 18-jan-2001, w. ruth a. chappell DICKSON, Carrie A., b. 23-jul-1893, d. 3-nov-1919 DICKSON, Hannah, b. 7-may-1812, d. 7-may-1912 DICKSON, M.P., d. 28-sep-1898, a.64 y DICKSON, William, b. 3-apr-1882, d. 22-sep-1920 DICKSON, William, b. 17-jun-1829, d. 17-jun-1899 DURHAM, Mary Moore, b. 1902, d. 1918 DURHAM, Susan W., b. 20-mar-1870, d. 22-jan-1907 DURHAM, Thomas J., b. 28-nov-1873, d. 6-jul-1961 FENDLEY, Hannah, b. 9-mar-1826, d. 20-jan-1910 MOORE, Archelaus T., b. 1860, d. 1925 MOORE, Gladys Pauline, b. 28-feb-1923, d. 11-apr-1923 MOORE, Ollive Vernell, b. 13-nov-1922, d. 24-dec-1922 MOORE, Theodosia M., b. 1868, d. 1931 OWENS, Roy, b. 1912, d. 27-nov-1933 OWENS, Tishue Surrett, b. 1894, d. 9-aug-1934 SMITH, Charlie, b. 1-may-1914, d. 18-jul-1993 SMITH, Elbert S., b. 1888 SMITH, Ollie Moore, b. 1892, d. 1971 STANCEL, Alfred Milton, b. 1919, d. 1989, w. gladys cox stancil STANCIL, Gladys Cox, b. 1921, d. 1995 SULLIVAN, Lyda Catherine, b. 22-feb-1909, d. 30-dec-1996 SULLIVAN, Mary Elizabeth, b. 31-jan-1901, d. 20-oct-1982 SURETT, J.P., b. 15-may-1848, d. 13-apr-1924 WILBANKS, Berry L., b. 14-aug-15, w. zonia h. wilbanks WILBANKS, Zonia H., b. 6-apr-1920, d. 13-apr-1998 NOTE: ----- There are (3) Cross Road Baptist Church Cemeteries located in Oconee County: (C44) = Cross Roads Baptist Church #1 in Tokeena. (C45) = Cross Roads Baptist Church #2 (new) NW of Westminster. (C46) = Cross Roads Baptist Church S of Westminster (C254) = Cross Roads Baptist Church #2 (old) NW of Westminster. It appears that when typing volunteers were assigning "C" numbers to the following tombstone inscriptions, they accidentally assigned the wrong number. Example: Assigned C46, should be unknown location C??. It's possible that some of the following individuals may be buried at the c45 cemetery. HAWKINS, Etta E., b. 6-aug-1875, d. 4-sep-1893, (c46 sb c??) HAWKINS, Mary, b. 1849, d. 13-oct-1894 (c46 sb c??) MARCENGILL, T.H., 1951, (c45 sb c??) OGLESBY, B.P., b. 12-mar-1840, d. 25-jan-1894, (c46 sb c??) OGLESBY, John Sam, d. 15-dec-1982, (c46 sb c??) OGLESBY, Mary Ann, b. 2-may-1850, d. 13-nov-1903, (c46 sb c??) PERRY, Delice, 13-jan-1967, (c46 sb c??) POOLE, Deborah Rochelle, d. 17-may-1991, (c46 sb c??) POOLE, Howard, b. 13-may-1917, d. 17-junl-1972, (c46 sb c??) POOLE, Raymond A., d. 29-sep-1995, (c46 sb c??) POOLE, Rebecca J., b. 24-apr-1869, d. 30-jun-1968, (c46 sb c??) POOLE, Rebecca L., b. may-1925, d. sep-1925, (c46 sb c??) SMITH, Mary Joyce Arve, b. 1947, d. 4-may-1985, (c45 sb c??) SUTTLES, Viola R., b. 4-oct-1888, (c45 sb c??) WILBANKS, Jess, d. 3-oct-1995, (c45 sb c??) WILLIAMS, Daustm, b. 24-oct-1902, d. 8-jun-1968, (c45 sb c??) WILLIAMS, Earl Y., b. 1921, d. 1979, (c45 sb c??) WILLIAMS, Tena Jones, b. 17-feb-1883, d. 23-mar-1954, (c45 sb c??)